ISWNE Editorial Winners
Kris O’Leary, publisher with husband Kevin Flink of the Record Review in Wisconsin, photographs their family company’s award-winning employees at the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors’ awards banquet recently at the Green Bay, WI, convention. Record Review editor Peter Weinschenk, center, is shown with his Golden Quill editorial-writing award from ISWNE; and Brian Wilson, left, news editor of The Star News in Wisconsin, which is published by Carol O’Leary, received one of the Golden Dozen editorial-writing awards. Shown with the winners is outgoing ISWNE President Cheryl Wormley, co-owner and publisher of the Woodstock Independent in Illinois. Both Kris and Carol O’Leary are past presidents of ISWNE. Wormley and the O’Learys are longtime Interlink customers. View the Green Bay conference photo gallery and other past conference photos at ISWNE Photo Gallery