Don’t panic if you get IMb warning

With the retirement of POSTNET, the Intelligent Mail barcode, or IMb, is here to stay.  As of January 28, 2013, IMb must be present on pieces claimed at automation rates.  While use of IMb is not mandatory, Interlink’s Circulation 2.2 is fully compliant with new, postal requirements. 

If you haven’t taken the steps to ensure you’re ready, and you receive this ‘Warning’ message on your screen, don’t panic!  Select “Cancel” and follow the instructions below to complete the conversion to IMb.



1.  Confirm you have Circulation version 2.1.1 or newer.

2.  Obtain your Mailer ID by registering with the USPS.  Click on the link provided and follow the instructions on “How to obtain a Mailer ID”

3.  After receiving your Mailer ID, you can then configure Interlink Circulation to use it: 

  • Open your list
  • File | Configure List | Periodical Mail / Standard Mail | Choose Contact Information
  • Input your Mailer ID | Click OK
  • Check Barcoded Mailing or Automated Mailing
  • Apply | Click OK

Once you have closed the issue with these changes, you now have the option to generate Intelligent Mail barcodes.