Imagine telling advertisers subscriptions are up 10%

By William E. (Bill) Garber

Now imagine it will take just minutes a month to grow your circulation that much in less than a year.

That is what we imagined when we created Interlink Smart Sampling™.

Here is how Smart Sampling™ works.

A whole month’s worth of Smart Sampling™ requires perhaps a dozen extra clicks, two sets of inserts going into just the sample papers, and, of course, posting the payments and starting the new subscriptions. Really.

• Start the month by picking a mailing route to sample. Click.

• Close issue the usual way. Click. (The usual click, not an extra click!)

• Label papers the usual way.

• Identify the separate group of just sample papers. (They are conveniently grouped altogether.)

• Insert a letter from the publisher into the sample papers. The letter explains that this is the first of four issues of your paper they will receive without charge. The letter explains that the fourth issue will include an envelope they can conveniently use if they would like to subscribe to the paper for a whole year for just $.

• Insert envelope for convenient subscription ordering into the sample papers of the fourth issue sampled.

• Stop sampling the mailing route. Click.

The four-issue sample is designed to start a reading habit that you will make really convenient to continue by using the new-subscription offer that includes the convenient remittance envelope.

Smart Sampling™ creates a reading habit for potential subscribers, while regular use of Smart Sampling™ creates a simple publishing habit that grows circulation at first and maintains circulation once achieved.

If Smart Sampling™ feels like a promising habit you would like to add to your publishing collection, Interlink is ready. Heck, I’m ready! Let me know with an email ( I’ll introduce one of our Smart Sampling™ coaches to you to help you find Smart Sampling™ every bit as easy as I’ve just described!