Interlink Calculates Barcode Savings for Your Newspaper
By Brad Hill
Interlink has made available a free tool on its website that provides quick estimates of the savings possible when applying the new Intelligent Mail barcode to applicable pieces. With a recent 3541 Periodical Mail or 3602 Standard Mail postage statement in hand, publishers can calculate the impact on their annual postage fees in just a few minutes.
Some software vendors either chose not to support the Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) or were unable to overcome technical challenges to doing so, and have told their customers IMb isn’t important because most of their newspapers are entered into the post office that delivers them. While this is true for pieces in carrier-route bundles, most community papers mail enough local and out-of-town papers at 5-digit or higher rates that IMb savings over the course of a year can be significant.
In January 2013, the Postal Service stopped accepting the decades old POSTNET barcode for all mail types. Previously, printing the barcode would qualify mail to be sent at the cheaper automation (barcoded) rate. Newspapers and other mail must now bear an Intelligent Mail barcode in the address block to claim those lower rates. Automation rates for Periodical Mail can save as much as 4.5 cents per piece over the non-barcoded price. Standard Mail savings can go up to 5.5 cents per piece.
Savings for weekly publications mailing fewer than 2,000 copies per issue typically range from $200 to $1,000 or more annually. That amount varies depending on local market penetration, out-of-town volume and address quality.
It is not necessary for the post office where papers are entered to have any automated sorting equipment, as is sometimes believed. Eligibility to claim automation rates is solely dependent on the mail piece meeting the requirements.
Newspapers with IMb-capable software, such as Interlink Circulation, and a compatible printer have no reason to forego taking advantage of automation rates, and potentially thousands of dollars to gain by choosing to barcode.
To learn what barcoding could save you on postage, visit Interlink’s IMb Savings Calculator at www.ilsw.com/postal-resources/imb-savings-calculator/