It’s not too early to plan for move to Full-Service IMb
From Interlink
Newspapers claiming automation mailing rates for their Periodicals newspapers and some Standard Mail flats should be preparing for the U.S. Postal Service’s requirement for Full-Service Intelligent Mail Barcodes (IMbs) which kicks in Jan. 26, 2014.
USPS announced earlier this year that the new Full-Service IMbs would be required for all mail seeking automation discounts. The first step toward the USPS program to achieve greater service accountability began this January when many mailers began using the Basic IMbs.
The January 2014 change requires — with few exceptions — individual numbering on mailpieces, sack and tray tags and pallet placards so that USPS can track mail throughout processing and delivery. Those individual numbers must also be provided to USPS through electronic documentation, again, with some exceptions.
Included in the move to Full-Service IMb is a requirement for the electronic submission of postal reports. Some Interlink customers, who are part of an eDoc testing group, currently are submitting their postage reports electronically to the USPS, eliminating the need for printed postage statements and qualification reports.
USPS has been accepting eDoc through the Mail.dat file format, which can be complex and may carry additional licensing fees for usage. Interlink’s support for eDoc is through the Mail.XML format, created by the USPS to support real-time, “conversational” interactions regarding electronic documentation, FAST appointments, ACS data and more.
As Interlink continues preparations for the move from Basic to Full-Service IMb in a few months, we encourage publishers to begin planning for the move in order to maintain their automation discounts without interruption. And, www.ilsw.com/imb-savings-calculator can help you assess your potential extra postal charges without automation rates. As with the numerous past USPS DMM changes, Interlink will have your back on Jan. 26 if you are an Interlink customer.
As we move through the coming months, watch our website (www.ilsw.com) for additional Full-Service IMb information and explanations about preparations you will need to make for the switch to Full-Service IMb. And, check out our Full-Service IMb Countdown Clock – a reminder for all of us as the date nears. (Jan. 26 will be here before you know it.)