Find Information On…
- Print or Re-print Mailing Labels for a Specific Bundle
- Why sack and tag information is inter-mixed on the Statistics report
- Configuring renewal notice types and printer settings
- Configuring Circulation to group together all PO Boxes
- Changing the subscriber list headers to display alternate information
- Interlink Circulation updates and releases
- Everything you ever wanted to know about CASS
- Benefits and savings of ACS electronic notification for Full-Service mailers
- IMb Tracing for newspapers
- Assigning a different subscription rate for an alternate address
- Understanding the Delayed Newspaper Start banner
- Registration information for Circulation
- Set up for eDoc submission
- Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb), configuration and printer information
- Print labels and other reports
- Use the Smart Sampling feature
- Roll back an Interlink Circulation list
- Install or transfer software to a new computer
- Annual Statement of Ownership report