Install or transfer software to a new computer

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Install or transfer software to a new computer

This article provides detailed information on installing Interlink Circulation or transferring the program, and any associated publications, from one computer to another. Most commonly, this is done as part of a disaster recovery procedure or to facilitate a hardware upgrade. The transfer process involves taking a backup from the first computer, installing Interlink Circulation on the new computer, then restoring the backup to the new computer.

Transfer Circulation

Back up publication(s) from the old computer

Method A
The easiest way to back up a publication is to service the list, which sends a copy to Interlink as an off-site backup. To do this:

  1. Open a list on your old computer.
  2. Select “Service List…” from the “File” menu.
  3. Click the “OK” button when notified that list servicing was successful.

Repeat steps for each additional list you wish to transfer.

Method B
Alternatively you could back up each list to a USB drive or CD-R/CD-RW disk. To back up locally:

  1. Open a list on your old computer.
  2. Select “Backup List…” from the “File” menu.
  3. Select a destination to save the backup file.
  4. Click the “Save” button.

Repeat steps for each additional list you wish to transfer.


Installation of Circulation

Your new computer must be connected to the Internet in order to install Interlink Circulation on it.

Download link:

When prompted to Run, Open, or Save the file, select Run or Open. If you are not prompted with these options, find the file you just downloaded and double-click to run it. This will begin a download of the latest version of Interlink Circulation to your system. When the download is complete the installation will begin.

  1. Click Install on the first screen.
  2. Read through the Software License Terms and click “I accept…”, then click Next.
  3. After the installation completes, click Finish.
  4. Interlink Circulation is now successfully installed on your system.

Running Interlink Circulation for the First Time

The first time you start Interlink Circulation on the new computer, you will be taken through the Interlink Circulation Getting Started Wizard:

  1. Right Click the circulation icon and select run as administrator.
  2. On the first screen, you will be prompted for login information. Enter your Site ID and Password and indicate if your Internet connection is always available, then click OK. Your Site ID and Password can be sent by e-mail. If you do not have your login information, please contact Interlink and we will provide it for you.
  3. After registering, the program will run a series of tests on your system to ensure compatibility with various functions in the software. If any of the tests fail, please visit the Interlink Circulation Upgrade Support Forum on our website or contact Interlink for assistance.
  4. Once all tests have passed, click Finish to begin using Interlink Circulation.

Restore the publication(s) to the new computer

If you backed up your list(s) using Method A above, follow these steps to restore them to the new computer:

  1. Select “Restore List from Interlink…” from the “File” menu.
  2. Select the list you wish to restore.
  3. Click the “OK” button to restore the list now.

Repeat steps for each additional list you wish to restore.

If you backed up your list(s) using Method B above, follow these steps to restore them to the new computer:

  1. Select “Restore List…” from the “File” menu.
  2. Browse to the location on your USB, CD-ROM, or other media.
  3. Select the list you wish to restore.
  4. Click the “Open” button.

Repeat steps for each additional list you wish to restore.

Configure printers on the new computer.

Printer settings may be found and configured by selecting “Printer Configuration…” from the “File menu.” If your printer setup will be the same as on the old computer, simply duplicate the settings found there. If you are using new printers, the following thread contains first-time printer setup information: