Missing subscriber labels
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Knowledge Base > Missing subscriber labels
Missing subscriber labels
Determine why a subscriber is not receiving a label
Any of the following items will prevent a label from being printed for a particular subscriber. To ensure a label will print, double-check all possibilities:
- Newspaper (or Shopper) status must be Active. This can be found on the Newspaper tab of the subscriber record.
- Delivery type must be Mail. This can be found on the Newspaper tab of the subscriber record.
- Vacation stop must not be checked. If the Stopped check box on the Vacation tab of a subscriber record is checked, no label will be printed.
- “Started” date is in the future. No label will be produced for subscriptions set to begin in the future. This can be found on the Newspaper tab of the subscriber record.
If the newspaper status is Active, Delivery type is Mail, Vacation Stopped is not checked, and the Begin Date is blank or in the past, a label will be produced for the subscription.
Changes to these fields do not take effect until the next issue is closed.
To ensure a label was included with the last issue closed, print a single label for the subscriber in question:
- Select the Mailing Labels report
- Click the Print Special… button
- Select One, Label.
- Enter the subscriber ID you wish to check
- Click the Continue button
- Click the Continue button to begin printing.
If a label prints, then it was included in the set of labels for the most recently closed issue.
If no label prints, check the options above to ensure the subscriber is configured properly to receive a label.