NNA members in D.C. for ‘We believe in newspapers’ summit
NNA members from around the country converged on Washington, D.C. on March 13 for the “We Believe in Newspapers” Leadership Conference and Postal Summit. After a group session, members headed to Capitol Hill to visit their representatives and senators to discuss issues important to the community newspaper industry. Postal changes, including the possibility of the United State Postal Service dropping Saturday mail and the possible end of Postal Regulatory Commission oversight of USPS, and the handling of advertising deductions as a business expense were high on the group’s list this year. The day ended with Bob Schieffer, CBS anchor and moderator of Face the Nation, addressing the group at a dinner at the National Press Club. Schieffer, a friend of NNA President Robert Williams, is shown above, center, with Williams, right, and Nebraska Press Association Executive Director Allen Beermann as he arrived at the Press Club prior to the dinner. For more photos from the ‘We Believe in Newspapers Summit’, click here. Interlink photo/Helen Sosniecki
Subscriptions: Expanding that revenue source may be easier than you think
By William E. (Bill) Garber
Time to risk something new?
How about more of the same?
It’s a lot easier than changing!
And, in at least one substantial way, much more promising.
Newspapers have been around for centuries.
Their user interface was perfected before anyone came up with the words, user interface.
So what’s different these days?
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