
How do you feel about the number 7?

Interlink customers shouldn’t let delay slow their progress

By William E. (Bill) Garber
Interlink founder

Google offers way more than seven explanations for why people are often impressed with seven of anything. Interlink clients have their own reasons, including seven for why they will be continuing with their plans to implement Full-Service Intelligent Mail® as soon as possible, even though the Postal Service had to pull the plug on the January 26 deadline.

1.  Pocket money. The sooner a weekly claims the Full-Service Intelligent Mail® postage discount, the more savings will accumulate over the years. Of course, this is only about $100 annually for a 2,000-subscription weekly. But, it is a rare publisher who wouldn’t reach down to pick up a $50 bill or two off the street.

2.  More consistent delivery. Full-Service Intelligent Mail® is highly visible on the outside of every sack, tub and other handling units. Postal workers from dock, to plant, to post office know Full-Service Intelligent Mail® when they see it; they also know that ‘the system’ has seen it and knows it is right in front of them. The sooner your newspapers travel in Full-Service Intelligent Mail® handling units, the sooner subscribers will enjoy more consistent delivery.

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Wow! Another sharp turn on Postal Service roller coaster

By William E. (Bill) Garber
Interlink founder

When the Postal Service announced the day after Thanksgiving that they will not require Full-Service Intelligent Mail® next month as planned, Helen Sosniecki, Interlink’s senior sales and marketing manager and NNA McKinney Award-recognized former community newspaper publisher, was not particularly surprised.

“Long-time publishers have been down this road with the Postal Service before so it’s not surprising that many may have taken the January deadline with a grain of salt. It’s also why there is always such a flurry of activity whenever a Postal Service deadline is implemented,” she said.

Many Interlink clients will remember their adventure as the Postal Service started integrating Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) requirements 20 years ago.

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December 2013 Community Journal Newsletter

2013 ArkLaMiss Circulation Conferencephoto/Jessica Hughey

Discussing postal issues

Wyatt Emmerich of Emmerich Newspapers (standing) chats with (clockwise) NNA Postal expert Max Heath, Columbian-Progress Publisher Adam Prestridge, Interlink Senior Sales and Marketing Manager Helen Sosniecki and Petal News Publisher David Gustafson during the ArkLaMiss Circulation Conference in November in Vicksburg, MS. For more photos from the conference, click here.

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Update on USPS Full-Service Intelligent Mail Requirement

The Full-Service Intelligent Mail requirement for continued qualification for Periodical Mail Automation Rate discounts has been delayed. Interlink is assessing the situation and as we come to better understand the implications for community newspapers, we will share what we learn with you.

As you review the Postal Service statement, please share your views and opinions on the Interlink Community Forum. We’ve opened a Main Category thread for comments on this turn of events here:

The complete explanation by the Postal Services follows:

USPS Defers Implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail
Requirement for Automation Prices

The U.S. Postal Service is disappointed with the portion of last week’s ruling from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) which held that the implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) constitutes a rate increase. This ill-conceived decision will impair complete adoption of Full-Service IMb and hinder the Postal Service’s ability to promote a technology that enhances the value of mail, which is critical to the development of next-generation digital products and services. The PRC’s overly expansive view of the price cap demonstrates why comprehensive postal reform legislation should include additional pricing authority for the Postal Service Board of Governors.

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National Newspaper Association Disappointed with Court’s Ruling on Valassis NSA

 From NNA

National Newspaper Association Robert M. Williams Jr., expressed his disappointment today with a decision by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that affirmed the Postal Regulatory Commission’s (PRC) handling of the Valassis postage discounts last year.

“The Court did not say it agreed with the Postal Service’s decision to grant special discount rates to this large direct mailer. It simply said it would not disrupt the expertise of the PRC,” Williams said. “That is the posture federal courts normally take in regulatory matters. But we believed, and still believe, that the Commission’s analysis of the antitrust issues in this case was flawed.”

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Get the most from your Interlink software by meeting current system requirements

By Larina Hollivay
Technical Support Analyst

“Why does it take so long to Service my list or Close Issue?”

“Why does it take so long to open my list?”

“Why does my computer take forever to run a report?”

These are questions you may have asked yourself when using Interlink Circulation.

Nothing can be more frustrating than trying to beat a deadline, and it seems like the program is in no hurry to produce what you need to get your mailing out of the door.

Your computer may be the problem.

Making sure your computer meets the recommended system requirements for Interlink Circulation will enhance the efficiency of your software.

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2013 ArkLaMiss Circulation Conference

2013 ArkLaMiss Circulation Conference

Discussing postal issues

Wyatt Emmerich of Emmerich Newspapers (standing) chats with (clockwise) NNA Postal expert Max Heath, Columbian-Progress Publisher Adam Prestridge, Interlink Senior Sales and Marketing Manager Helen Sosniecki and Petal News Publisher David Gustafson during the ArkLaMiss Circulation Conference recently in Vicksburg, MS.  Interlink photo/Jessica Hughey

‘And people say newspapers are dead? Come on, people. Have a brain.’

EDITOR’S NOTE: NNA President Robert M. Williams, Jr., a long-time Interlink customer, wrote this editorial which is being shared as part of National Newspaper Week, Oct. 6-12.

By Robert M. Williams, Jr.
Publisher, Blackshear (GA) Times and
President of the National Newspaper Association

I know of newspapers that kept their communities informed about clean water and shelter during terrible storms and disasters.

I know of newspapers that exposed crooks, lost a lot of advertising from the crooks’ buddies and still put out a paper every week.

I know of a newspaper that had an ironic sense of humor that even offended a few readers and stood its ground with a “come on people, have a brain” retort.

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