NNA Summit—Early Bird Registration Deadline is Feb. 22
From NNA
Lucy Dalglish, a nationally-recognized First Amendment advocate and lawyer, will be the keynote speaker at the National Newspaper Association’s Community Newspaper Leadership Summit, March 16-17 in Washington. Dalglish, who is currently dean of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, will address community newspaper publishers, editors and NNA Foundation News Fellows at the National Press Club the evening of March 17.
NNA President Chip Hutcheson, publisher of The Times-Leader, urged publishers to make time for the 2016 summit. With a high-octane election year rolling out, Congress will be under pressure to make major decisions on issues that affect newspapers. NNA members will visit Capitol Hill the afternoon of March 17. Among the issues they will tackle with their congressional delegations:
- A continuing threat to tax advertising by depriving advertisers of the ability to deduct expenses.
- The imminent possibility of further-reduced postal service standards as a paralyzed Congress has been unable for the past six years to find a postal reform bill it likes—but may finally be able to accomplish this year.
- The looming new regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which will impose upon newsrooms the burden of covering the news with smaller staffs and inflexible work weeks.
- A new Freedom of Information Act bill that could bolster the powers of the Office of Government Information Services, which acts as an ombudsman for reporters seeking federal records.
Publishers interested in improving their postal delivery are urged to bring their printers to a nuts-and-bolts training session at the Printers Workshop at U.S. Postal Service on March 16. Information on all Summit events is available at www.nnaweb.org The early bird deadline is Feb. 22. Please use the following two links to register at the hotel at the NNA rate and to register for the Summit.
The registration for the educational workshop for printers and publishers that prepare Periodicals Class Mail newspapers can be reached directly here.
To register for the Summit, go here. For hotel reservations, go here.