Short Periodical Permit Numbers
By Brad Hill
SAN FRANCISCO — New periodical permit numbers assigned by the U.S. Postal Service are now shorter than the traditional 6 digits and will be for some time. I learned this while speaking with Chuck Tricamo, Acting Manager of the USPS Pricing and Classification Center in NY, at the National Postal Forum.
The issue surfaced when a newspaper that was recently granted Periodical status gave us a 3-digit permit number to use on their postage statement. At first I thought there was confusion with a permit for Standard Mail, which are frequently short, but it was confirmed as accurate by Postal staff.
It turns out the Postal Service “reset” their numbering practice for Periodical permits, beginning with number 1. Previously, 6-digit numbers were assigned, typically formated as xxx-xxx.
Interlink Circulation already supported short permit numbers, so if your publication is pending periodical authorization, you can rest easy knowing that everything will work once you’re approved.