Update on USPS Full-Service Intelligent Mail Requirement
The Full-Service Intelligent Mail requirement for continued qualification for Periodical Mail Automation Rate discounts has been delayed. Interlink is assessing the situation and as we come to better understand the implications for community newspapers, we will share what we learn with you.
As you review the Postal Service statement, please share your views and opinions on the Interlink Community Forum. We’ve opened a Main Category thread for comments on this turn of events here: http://forum.ilsw.com/showthread.php?2284-USPS-Defers-Full-Service-Intelligent-Mail-Requirement&p=7977
The complete explanation by the Postal Services follows:
USPS Defers Implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail
Requirement for Automation Prices
The U.S. Postal Service is disappointed with the portion of last week’s ruling from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) which held that the implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) constitutes a rate increase. This ill-conceived decision will impair complete adoption of Full-Service IMb and hinder the Postal Service’s ability to promote a technology that enhances the value of mail, which is critical to the development of next-generation digital products and services. The PRC’s overly expansive view of the price cap demonstrates why comprehensive postal reform legislation should include additional pricing authority for the Postal Service Board of Governors.
Due to the PRC ruling, the Postal Service is delaying the Jan. 26, 2014 implementation of the Full-Service Intelligent Mail requirement for automation price discounts. Mailers who are not currently enrolled in full-service effective Jan. 26, 2014 will still be able to claim automation prices. To achieve the best pricing, however, mailers must continue meeting full-service requirements.
Despite this delay, the Postal Service remains strongly committed to full-service adoption for all mailers. The value of full-service is well known and helps the mailing community to get the best value-added experience for its mail. The Postal Service will continue moving aggressively to achieve 100 percent visibility in the mail through full-service.
We encourage mailers to contact their Mail Service providers and Software vendors to help transition to full-service to get the full-service discount prices and access the benefits listed below.
We have developed an online Intelligent Mail Small Business tool that enables even the smallest mailers to take the first steps into full-service. The tool remains in place and local bulk mail entry units will continue assisting very small customers and provide them information on how they can use the small business tool to prepare mailings to receive automation and full-service discount prices.
Full-Service provides customers with:
- An additional per piece discount on every Full-Service mailpiece.
- Address correction information at no additional cost for Full-Service mailpieces, providing Change of Address (or COA) information and Nixie (or undeliverable-as-addressed) information.
- The ability to track service performance through reports and scan information.
- Container, Tray and Mailpiece visibility.
- Annual permit fees will be waived when 90 percent or more of cumulative annual mailings consist of Full-Service mail.
- The opportunity to use the same permit at any location via our Mail Anywhere program.
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To learn about the benefits and requirements of Full-Service, visit our RIBBS® website at http://ribbs.usps.gov. Click on Latest News under the Intelligent Mail Services tab to find the latest news on Full-Service – including the simplified process for testing Full-Service mailings. To expedite mailers’ participation in Full-Service, a list of authorized software vendors that have tested their products with the Postal Service can be found on RIBBS/Certifications/eDoc & Full-Service https://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=electronicdoc.
For questions, contact your local Business Mail Entry Unit or the PostalOne! Help Desk at 1-800-522-9085 or via email at fullservice@usps.gov. We appreciate your business and look forward to providing information and tools.
Source: http://1.usa.gov/IsSBo5