Webinar on Intelligent Mail barcodes – July 12
From National Newspaper Association
DES MOINES—The Iowa Newspaper Foundation is hosting a webinar on the savings, costs and the how-to on full-service Intelligent Mail barcode implementation.
Effective January 2014, newspapers must implement Full-Service IMb in order to be eligible for USPS automation rates. Unlike today’s Basic IMb, Full-Service covers much more than just the address barcode. This webinar will provide an understanding of what Full-Service is, how to decide if it’s right for you and how to make the transition from Basic IMb to Full-Service IMb.
The presenter, Brad Hill, is one of the National Newspaper Association’s representatives on the Postal Service Mailers Technical Advisory Committee. In that role he works with postal executives and implementers on issues such as electronic documentation address quality and the IMb. Hill is president of Interlink, a Michigan-based circulation software company.
The webinar will take place Friday, July 12 from 2 -3 p.m. eastern time / 1 – 2 p.m. central time.
Registration deadline is Tuesday, July 9. Cost to register is $35.
To register, go to www.onlinemediacampus.com